Dear Boy,
Very few people are good economists of their fortune, and still fewer of their time; and yet of the tw precious. I heartily wish you to be a good economist of both; and you are now of an age to begin to think seriously of these two important articles. Young people are apt to think they have so much time before them, that they may squander what they please of it, and yet have enough left; as very great fortunes have frequently seduced people to a ruinous profusion: fatal mistakes!Always repented of, but always too late! Old Mr. Lowndes, the famous Secretary of the Treasury in the reigns of King William,Queen Anne, and King George the First, used to say, take care of the pence, and pounds will take care of themselves. To this maxim, which he not only preached but practiced, his two grandsons at this time owe the very considerable fortunes that he left them.
This holds equally true as to time; and I most earnestly recommend to you the care of those minutes and quarters of hours,in the course of the day, which people think too short to deserve their attention; and yet, if summed up at the end of the year,would amount to a very considerable portion of time.
Many people lose a great deal of their time by laziness; they loll and yawn in a great chair, tell themselves that they have not time to begin anything then, and that it will do as well another time. This is a most unfortunate disposition, and the greatest obstruction to both knowledge and business. At your age, you have no right nor claim to laziness; I have, if I please, being emeritus. You are but just listed in the world, and must be active, diligent, indefatigable. If every you propose commanding with dignity, you must serve up to it with diligence. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
文章来源:《财富生活》 网址: http://www.cfshzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0118/1096.html
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